Miikshi: Cosmic Rays

When things go haywire in the city of Mibukiville, only one shy sheep scientist can save the day…

Following our award-winning Miikshi TVOkids series, we began production of a new Miikshi sci-fi adventure series in partnership with the University of Tokyo and its Muographic Liberal Arts Foundation to promote the research of Professor Hiroyuki Tanaka through Miikshi stories.

Featuring special guest voices by YouTuber Tom Scott, YouTuber Techmoan, Norman Chan from Adam Savage’s Tested, and TrekCulture host/producer Seán Ferrick.

Miikshi: Cosmic Rays | English | Japanese Dub
Miikshi: Cosmic Rays 2 | English | Japanese Dub
Miikshi: Cosmic Rays 3 | English | Japanese Dub


Behind the Scenes